Today, January 19, we once again celebrate the birthday of Lysander Spooner, who was born, in the central Massachusetts town of Athol, on this day in 1808.
Three days after his birthday in 1860, Spooner wrote to William H. Seward, the latest letter in his correspondence with the Senator. As this country reaches the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, readers might find the following extract of Spooner’s letter to be interesting reading. It reflects the way in which by 1860 Spooner’s faith in the ability of the federal government sincerely to tackle the problem of slavery had all but vanished:
Your note of the 11th inst, was not recd until the 21st. It was read with some surprise, and with more regret, to say nothing of other sentiments.
The note is marked “private" - I decline the confidence. Both your notes came into my hands fairly, without my having authorized any implication of privacy. And although I may not think it proper, or any longer feel disposed, to use the one to Mrs. South in the particular manner I had desired to do, I shall nevertheless, since you are a public man, feel at perfect liberty to use both of them in any other manner, however public, as evidence of your unfaithfulness to freedom, and to your own convictions of the true character of the constitution, which you have sworn to support.
And if, in so doing, I shall chance to “embarrass” the plans of the Chases, and Summers, and Wilsons, and Hales, and the other jesuitical leaders of the Republican party, who profess that they can aid liberty, without injuring slavery; who imagine that they can even be champions of freedom at the north, and at the same time avowedly protect slavery at the south, “where it is”; and that they can thus ride into power on the two horses, Liberty and Slavery – if I should happen to “embarrass” these plans, I shall not feel that that consequence is one which I need care to “avoid.” I had had some hope that you would put your foot on these double-faced demagogues, and either extinguish them, or compel them to conduct, for the time being, as if they were honest men. But it seems that you have decided rather to throw yourself into their arms, commit your fortunes to their keeping, and do nothing, in behalf of liberty, that may “embarrass” their operations...
I shall very likely make the whole of this correspondence public; and if it shall serve any purpose towards defeating yourself and the Republicans, I shall be gratified; for I would much rather the government be in the hands of declared enemies of liberty, than in those of treacherous friends.
Lysander Spooner
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